Ref : FSC 021logo-fsc-dujin.jpg





History :

Caudron C-461 and C-561 were built as French participants for the Coupe Deutsch de la Meurthe 1936.

The two aircraft C-461 derived on the C-460 using the same engine Renault 456.

The single C-561 followed the type C-560 installing the engine Renault 446.

The special design of these two types was the idea of a cockpit totally integrated in the fuselage.


The 1936 edition was won by a C-450 with Yves Lacombe piloting, though.

The C-461 came in on second place piloted by Maurice Arnoux.

The C-541 suffered from technical problems and its start to the 1937 race. This should never happen, as the 1936 race was the last event of the Deutsch de la Meurthe and also the end of the Caudron racer history.



Resin kit 1/72 scale

- Vacuum formed clear parts

- Set of decals

- Decals screen printed


Box art caudron 561


Interieur caudron train rentrant 1Caudron 561


The construction manual can be viewed here

Plan de montage caudron 561 okPlan de montage caudron 561 ok (1.25 Mo)

This kit is on stock at a price of 24€

Plesse do not hesitate to order quickly because of limited production volume

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Last edited: 12/11/2020